Memorializing Your Pet

Ideas For Memorializing An Animal Companion

  • Gather up your photographs, frame and hang on a wall or prepare a memorial album
  • Have a memorial service- share stories, pictures, read a poem
  • Have a professional portrait or sculpture made of your pet
  • Write a journal or story of your pet’s life. You can post on a pet memorial website and share your stories with others who have lost a companion
  • Make stepping stones for the garden, hang chimes
  • Plant a memorial garden- rosemary symbolizes “remembrance”, poppies “rest”, tulips “friendship”
  • Have a tree planted in his memory :  Arbor Day or  The Trees Remember
  • Write down favorite memories and frame with pictures
  • Volunteer your time at your local shelter or a rescue group
  • Make a donation in their memory to a special cause such as a cancer foundation, local veterinary college or SPCA
  • Start a pet loss support group in your town